We open Client Trading A/c with OFFLINE forms only.
Please download the form from Downloads for Individual Client. Please stick your recent photograph on Page No.
8 & sign across the same. The first part pertain to Depository account opening & the second part pertains to trading a/c opening.
The client needs to provide identity proof 7 address proof (Please refer page no. 1). Also a cancelled cheque copy is required for Bank details.
Please fill the form & sign at the place of signature showing sign “”. Please fill mandatory as well as un mandatory forms.
For client opting in derivatives, income proof (as mentioned on page No. 17) is to be provided.
For Non-Individual clients, please refer Page No. 3 for further details.
The form completed in all respects should be sent to the registered office to the KYC Department.
Please contact to KYC department on telephone no. 022-40462130 / 2131, for further clarification & queries.