RMS Policy SVS Securities

SVS Securities Private Limited follows the margining & exposure limits set as followed by the exchange i.e. VAR based margining system. The branches / subbrokers would be first allowed exposure limits based on the deposit amount given to the member. Further clientwise limits would also be set according to the cleared credit balance & stock lying as collateral with the member. Even stocks lying in Demat A/c with POA facility in favour of member would be considered for calculating deposit with the member. The member will provide 5 to 10 times of exposure to the clients depending on their history of regularity of the pay-in of funds. For F&O segment margin as per exchange would be charged (SPAN plus Exposure) and appropriate exposure would be granted.


The surveillance team watches the online trades as they happen and extra ordinary volume in the particular scrip is immediately investigated by calling up the branch and asking for details of clients and as per the details made available,the clients previous purchase or sales transactions are looked into. We have locked major terminals from doing Z, T & TS Group trades & the same has to be done by a senior dealer at the main office. The individual dealer limits are subject to review by the directors on monthly basis.

We have allocated TWS Limits & Group limit for A, B1, B2, T, TS and Z group. The Surveillance Team gives limit in a very conservative manner, especially, in Z, T and TS group. Any limit accretion requests are first investigated and then upon being satisfied with the bonafide of the trade as well as the client, limits are accordingly increased.

Since the same staffs are monitoring the trades daily, any pattern in trading / limit enhancement is reported once a week to the director for further investigation.


Since we discourage the trades on On-Line basis, they are further investigated at the time of generation of billing by the Billing Department & the scrips are scanned for the quantity traded vis-a-vis exchange volume on that day, the frequency of trade done by the client & see if a trend is discernible.

After due investigation (which normally takes two weeks), Surveillance Team reports to the Director its finding and thereafter such scrip is disabled for trading for that client / branch and in some cases on the whole network.


The surveillance clientwise takes cue from the alerts generated scripwise. All the clients who have traded in the scrip placed in “SCRIP ALERT” are scrutinized for their other scrip dealings. Looking at the general quality of scrips that they are dealing in, Surveillance Manager reports to the Director for further action on whether we want to continue to deal as a broker for that client or not.

Further any big value transactions are checked for whether the client is not trading beyond ones known Income (i.e. Income declared in KYC)


As per SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/MIRSD/POD-1/P/CIR/2024/4 dated January 12, 2024, we have devised procedure for providing facility of voluntary freezing/blocking the online access of the trading account on account of suspicious activity if found by the client.

For requesting freezing/blocking of the account the client can opt for any one of the following procedure.

1. Emailing through his registered email address stating his client code & requesting for voluntary freezing/blocking of online trading Account. The client needs to send the above email to stoptrade@svssec.com.


2. The client can call from his registered mobile number on 022-40462130 & ask for voluntary freezing/blocking of online trading account.

SVS Securities on receiving such request as per timeline defined for blocking of the account will block the account & issue confirmation to that effect. All pending orders would be deleted & the clients open position would be conveyed to him through email. Also re-enablement procedure would be sent in this email & the client needs to contact the main office for re-enabling online access.

Waiting to help you – Ways to reach us!


  • 32-33-34-35A/B, Khatau Building,
  • 2nd Floor, A. D. Modi Marg,
  • Fort, Mumbai - 400 001
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Prevent Unauthorized Transactions in your Trading / Demat account --> Update your Mobile Numbers / email IDs with your Stock Brokers / Depository Participant.

Receive alerts on your Registered Mobile / email IDs for trading account transactions and all debit and other important transactions in your demat account directly from Exchange / NSDL on the same day.

KYC is one time exercise while dealing in securities markets - once KYC is done through a SEBI registered intermediary (broker, DP, Mutual Fund etc.), you need not undergo the same process again when you approach another intermediary.

No need to issue cheques by investors while subscribing to IPO.

Just write the bank account number and sign in the application form to authorise your bank to make payment in case of allotment.

No worries for refund as the money remains in investor's account.

SVS Securities Pvt. Ltd , 32-33-34-35A/B, Khatau Building, 2nd Floor, A. D. Modi Marg, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001 Phone No. : 91- 022- 40462101 (40 lines) Fax No.: 91-022-22662384 SVS Securities Pvt. Ltd. Member : BSE / NSE SEBI REGN NO. INZ000284933 SVS Commodity Brokers Pvt. Ltd. Member : MCX SEBI REGN NO. INZ000018834

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